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ACM Multimedia 2010 is the worldwide premier multimedia conference and a key event to display scientific achievements and innovative industrial products. ACM Multimedia 2010 offers to scientists and practitioners in the area of Multimedia plenary scientific and technical sessions – with keynote speeches, oral, poster and video presentations, technical demonstrations and exhibits -, opportunities for deepenings – organized as discussion rooms, symposiums and tutorials and panels with worldwide recognized scientists and opinion leaders -, and competitions of research teams on relevant and challenging questions about the industry’s two-five years horizon for multimedia. As a companion event, the Interactive Art program will provide the opportunity of interaction between artists and computer scientists and investigation on the application of multimedia technologies to art and cultural heritage. Workshops associated to ACM Multimedia 2010 will provide in-focus forums of discussion on some of the most relevant and timely scientific topics in the field.
In more detail the complete program of ACM Multimedia 2010 will include:
Scientific presentations
* Full Paper and Short Paper program: including oral and poster presentations selected according to the ACM Multimedia policy and organized in four distinct tracks: Multimedia Content Analysis, Multimedia Systems, Multimedia Interaction, Multimedia Applications.
* Brave New Ideas program: implemented as a special sessions track containing papers extending the boundaries of multimedia research and eventually opening new lines of research development.
* Video program: implemented as a special session track of video displays where researchers can demonstrate their systems or applications without having to bring the equipment for a “live” demo.
Interactive Art program
* Interactive Art program: implemented as a special session track of multimedia art exhibition, and of applications, and technical solutions for cultural heritage.
* Open Source Software Competition: aimed at emphasizing the impact the ACM Multimedia conference on software development and practice.
* Multimedia Grand Challenge: presenting challenges from industry leaders, geared to engage the multimedia research community in solving relevant questions about the industry’s 2-5 year horizon. For more informations see the Multimedia Grand Challenge 2010 web site
In-depth courses and discussions
* Tutorials: addressing the state-of-the-art developments of multimedia of interest from novices to mature researchers, from people working in academia to industry professionals.
* Panels: consisting of discussions with recognized experts, addressing some of the most timely and controversial topics in the field of multimedia.
* Discussion Rooms: a new opportunity for researchers to gather freely and start non-structured debates on hot topics of multimedia.
* Doctoral Symposium: an opportunity for students involved in the preparation of a PhD to discuss their research issues and ideas with senior researchers, and receive constructive feedback.
Demos and exhibits
* Technical Demos: showing what is currently possible regarding all aspects of multimedia technology and its applications.
* Industrial Exhibit: providing the exhibition of new multimedia products of industries and companies to stimulate the dialogue between industry and the research community.
* Workshops will complement the themes of the main conference with focus on specific thematic subjects that receive significant attention from the research community.
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